Two new pages filled in … Making the commitment, and Principles of Solidarity

These two pages provide a guideline for groups that are considering “Peace and Power” as a basis for working together, “Peace and Power” processes seem so appealing at first, but they are not at all easy to actually put into practice.  If, as a group, you take some time to prepare by discussing the kind of commitment that you are all making, you will be muchSunset over Pacific better able to address some of the challenges you may encounter.  Your Principles of Solidarity are vital to your success, so review the information on the “Principles” page and take the time to get off to a good start!  Most important, post your comments, questions and ideas … we can have a virtual discussion any time!

Author: Peggy L Chinn

feminist, nurse activist, writer, founding editor of ANS Advances in Nursing Science, quilter, grandmother nurturing the future of the amazing children in my life.

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